Here it is, both comissioned sketches for users "Vic-daddy and "Nameless" for their winner comments HERE.
I'l start with the user "Nameless", that asked me for: " ... Miss Pam or Kate Mueller at the beach, posing in a slingshot micro bikini. You can pick either one, Melkor, whichever you fancy the most."
And HERE's what Kate gave us =D
Then "Vic-daddy" asked for: " ...I am gonna go with a wildcard and choose Hanna. She won me over after seeing her slobbery bj on page 6 of 'Lunchtime with Tim". Plus, her tormenting poor demon boy is hot AF!!
Sure wouldn't mind seeing demon boy break free from his chains and having his way with Hanna. Or see Hanna in bondage gear or tied up even. But you can use your own original idea for her. You got free reign because whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be juicy!! Thanks!"
And HERE'S what they showed me =D
I'll sure be making more of these "winner comment gets a commissioned sketch" in the near future, so, make sure to keep checking ^^
Page 10 for The Raven coming up next week. =)
Anything else, just let me know in the comments below, Thanks, friends.
Melkor Mancin